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The student's group "Agrariy" is awarded by honourable diplomas


On November 26, 2013 in the Palace of children's creativity a meeting of student's groups of Stavropol Territory passed where the most active participants of movement were awarded following the results of a year.

The regional Center of youth projects and staff of the SK student's groups organized this action. Meeting was devoted to the 45 anniversary of the Stavropol regional staff of student's construction groups.

As honor guests of this action were the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Victor Goncharov, the Acting Minister of Education and youth policy of SK Vasily Lyamin. They greeted audience, wished success in study and work.

− You, modern young men, are engaged in good business. We also went to BAM and Kazakhstan at our time. It is a big school of education through the work. And it has to carry on the traditions. The Stavropol student's groups are obliged to rattle all over the country! I am sincerely grateful to organizers of this action, – Victor Goncharov noted.

The student's group of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on a meeting was awarded at once by several honourable diplomas: "The best group of Stavropol Krai of 2013", for the first place in the nomination "The Best agitational poster of Student's Group", for the second place in the nomination "The Best Photopresentation Telling about Life of Student's Group". Also the commander of the staff of student's groups Nikolay Golovin became a winner in the nomination "Debut. Season opening − 2013", Yulia Voytova, the vice-chairman of student trade-union committee of SSAU, won a victory in the nomination "The Best Commissar Work in Student's Groups". And the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Professor, the deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev is recognized as the winner in the nomination "The Leader in Formation of Student's Groups in Stavropol Krai". 

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