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Annual festival "Young Talents of SSAU — 2013" passed


On November 28, 2013 annual gala concert of first-year students passed, a concert hall of the Stavropol Palace of culture and sports "Young talents of SSAU – 2013" was full.

The creativity festival "Young talents" − is the traditional holiday of the Stavropol state agrarian university having more than 40-year history. It has two stages. During the first selection round at faculties passes. On its results the best performances are presented in the second stage − competition gala concert.

The Young Talents festival is a chance to present himself for any first-year student of agrarian university. This year more than 700 first-year students that is nearly a half who entered SSAU stepped on the stage.

Before a concert the Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev introduced to students eminent guests of festival, who have come to congratulate first-year students.

The vice-chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai V. I. Lozovoy, addressing to students, told: "Since 1982 I have studied in this higher education institution and now I am very glad for you. That the university is headed by such Rector, that you study in such higher education institution and you have remarkable opportunity both to study, and to dance, and to get friendship. Good luck and success to you! ".

The chairman of committee of the Duma of Stavropol Krai on the budget, taxes and financial and credit politics I. V. Andryushchenko addressed to audience with warm words: "I am delighted with all who will act today, scene furniture, a hall. You have to be proud of your studying at one of the best educational institutions of the country. It is Vladimir Ivanovich's big merit and also his team. We love and appreciate you, you are our future".

The First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai S. D. Ridny noticed: "I was lucky twice: I both studied, and worked at our remarkable university. I visited different higher education institutions, and I anywhere didn't meet such relation to youth. You have an opportunity to get not only a fine education, but also to show himself".

The chairman of the youth government of Stavropol Krai Elena Zozulya noted: "You have to be proud with, you have a unique faculty, and you have a unique rector. He is the person who has become an example for imitation to all students of the University. And you are unique students!»

Under numerous applause students of the first courses of the Stavropol State Agrarian University presented 20 performances, everyone had a special idea, differed with a special style and originality.

Guests of a holiday – participants of vocal and dancing collectives of older years of the Stavropol state agrarian university showed their performances too: show ballet "Stylnie shtuchki", dancing project «Territoria», vocal studio "Joys".

And awarding of the bright students with the medal "Glory and Pride of SSAU" was at gala concert too. More than 100 people received this award. And merits of 11 more students were noted in a special way − for special progress in study and public work they transferred to the budgetary form of education.

The response word to the Rector was made by the student 4-th course of Technological management faculty Alexey Martynov: "I want to thank you on behalf of all students of agrarian who stepped today on the stage to receive from your hands so important awards. And still allow thanking you from all, sitting in this hall, everybody who is involved in a family of Agrarian, we are proud of the higher education institution and its victories. Your merit is in it. You always support us, students; always watch our achievements. I promise that I will do further everything to justify your trust and to glorify the native and favorite Agrarian University! ".

In conclusion of gala concert the first-year students were surprised by the gifts from the Rector. Vladimir Ivanovich again congratulated participants of this holiday, having noted that each of them will get an additional grant, and faculties and the Center of esthetic education of students – money on new suits and implementation of new creative projects of talented youth.  

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