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"The best nine" students are defined


Nine the best" is a competition on determining the best students of the faculties which have shown good results in educational, research, public, cultural and creative, sports life of University and out of it. While assessment of participants special progress in development of programs of higher education, progress in research activity, results of out-of -class work was considered.

The best students of November, 2013 became:

Agronomy faculty


Maxim Tenishchev – the student of the 5th course, the excellent student, the head of hostel No. 2, the head of the fifth year, the chairman of SBC of faculty, the nominal scholar of the Russian President (2012, 2013), the Academic council of SSAU (2011), the winner of the second stage of the third degree of the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Agriculture for the best scientific work among students (Nalchik, 2013). He is the author of 9 scientific articles, the active organizer of various creative and cultural events at faculty, University, city, region. He is also the participant of volunteer groups "TOLK" and "Zabota". Champion and prize-winner of intra high school, city, regional competitions in kettlebell sports.

Faculty of protection of plants

Darya Teslya – the student of the 5th course, the honors student. The chairman of SBC of faculty, the member of Regional staff of the All-Russian public organization "Young Guard of the United Russia" since 05.12.12, the scholar of the International company "Bayer" (2012-2013; 2013-2014). She is the winner of the Interregional competition "Baystadi" (2012, 2013). Participant of student's scientific and practical conferences. Author of 10 scientific articles. The member of youth jury in the competition "Step to the Future". The participant of the IV All-Russian forum "Youth in village development" (2012, 2013). In November, 2013 she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University" for achievements in research activity.

Faculty of Veterinary medicine

Anastasia Dorokhina – the student of the 5th course, the honors student. Nominal scholar of the Government of the Russian Federation (2013). The winner of grant of the I-st degree at the All-Russian scientific and technical exhibition of creativity of youth, grant of 60 000 rubles. The winner of the grant program "UMNIK - 2013" of Fund of assistance to development of small forms of the enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere, grant of 400 000 rubles. The winner of the grant program of Institute in the international education within the Program of the PepsiCo company for support of the higher education in agriculture.

Faculty of technological management

Irina Ivanova – the student of the 4 course, the honors student. The prize-winner of Championship and Championships of the Southern federal district in track and field athletics, the participant of the IV Summer University games of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture in Russian Federation, the prize-winner of Winter superiority of Stavropol Krai on track and field athletics, the winner of the track and field athletics cross devoted to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the winner of the Winter personal championship of Stavropol Krai on track and field athletics, the participant of the XXII Superiority of Russia on track and field athletics cross-country. In November for outstanding progress in study, research work and public life of university she is transferred to training at the expense of means of the federal budget.

Faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism

Ekaterina Lezhneva – the student of the 2 course, the head of group, the student's dean of faculty, the commander of student's group "Turist". Active organizer and participant of various creative and cultural events: Open Day, competition "Ms. First-year Student of Faculty of Socio-cultural Service and Tourism — 2013", "Youth Festival of Science". In November, 2013 she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University" for active public and cultural work.

Registration and financial faculty

Ekaterina Svetlichnaya – the student of the 2 course, the honors student, the student's dean of faculty, the head of 2 course of faculty, the chairman of the student's center of civil and patriotic education of Patriot university, the correspondent TV and radio programs of the University «Student AU», the member of student's groups "TOLK" and "MECHTA", the participant of student's corporate league Sberbank of Russia in Stavropol Territory, the member of students' scientific society of registration and financial faculty. The winner of the scientific and practical conference devoted to the 70 anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad in the nomination for the best report, the winner of the intra high school Olympic Games in "Microeconomics", the student of the I degree for the best report at the conference devoted to the Battle of Stalingrad and liberation of the North Caucasus from fascist aggressors. The active organizer of various creative and cultural events at faculty, at university, the city, region. In November, 2013 for excellent study she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Economics faculty

Roman Shabanov – the student of the 3 course, the excellent student. The nominal scholar of the governor of Stavropol Krai 2013, the owner of a cup of the governor of SK in the Russian competition "UMNIK". Winner of the interregional competition "Operate Future". Participant of the V International scientific and practical conference "Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth — a Way to the Society Based on Knowledge". Participant of the "Financial Literacy in Higher Education Institutions" program. Participant of regional School of the young innovator (2012, 2013). Participant of presentation of portable devices of Samsung firm. Participant of the "Tolerance as Factor of the World, Consent and Safety of the People of North Caucasus Federal District" conference.

Faculty of Farm mechanization

Gennady Derevyanko – the student of 3 course, the excellent student. The participant of a scientific student's circle on preseeding processing of seeds of crops by physical factors. He has the patent for the useful model "Flat Tine Harrow" No. 131558. The student of the III degree on competition of a grant of the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of science and an innovation for young scientists (2013), the student of the All-Russian remote competition "Subject Crossword Puzzle of the Teacher", the student of 2 degree of the All-Russian competition 3T.Digital Creator (2012, 2013) . It is awarded by diplomas of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientific higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in the Agro engineering direction, for active participation in the 76th student's scientific and practical conference "Young Landowners of Stavropol Territory". Active participant of the All-Russian exhibitions, scientific conferences and Olympic Games. Author of scientific articles. In November, 2013 for achievements in research activity it is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Electrical power faculty

Sergey Baglikov – the student of the 5th course, the excellent student, the head of course, responsible for sports activity at faculty, the member of a national team of University on free-style wrestling. Nominal scholar of the President of the Russian Federation (2013). The winner of the All-Russian master tournament on free-style wrestling in Lipetsk (2013), the winner and the prize-winner 54 and the 55th sports competitions on free-style wrestling among students of SSAU. The master of sports of Russia on free-style wrestling. Active participant of student's scientific and practical, scientific and technical conferences. He is the author of scientific articles. 

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