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Participation in congress exhibition work "Global education — education without borders"


The delegation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University headed by the director of the branch interregional center R. V. Debyoliy took part in work of the VII International congress exhibition "Global education — education without borders". It was carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on November 26-27, 2013 in Moscow. There were more than 700 teachers from the sphere of the professional education, gathered in Moscow from 32 regions of the country.

At plenary sessions, round tables and section discussions participants discussed key problems of implementation the Federal target program in development of education for 2011-2015. The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D. V. Livanov, the director of the department of state policy in the sphere of preparation personnel and additional professional education of this department N. M. Zolotareva noted that the quality of training graduates in professional educational institutions is caused a deep concern, especially, primary and secondary levels. N. M. Zolotareva also emphasized that for professional educational institutions of the country the organization of retraining adults on new competences to them has to become one of the most actual fields of the work.

Besides plenary session on the congress exhibition a number of discussion platforms were organized. Their participants discussed problems of internationalization of professional education, a way of increase efficiency in training workers and specialists. They examined experience of dual system of the training, got in Germany, features of carrying out competitions on professional skill of youth WorldSkills in the country and the world.

Discussing the problems of professional education on one of discussion platforms R. V. Debeliy reported. He told about experience of the Stavropol State Agrarian University which was got for two years implementing the State contract according to the project "Modernization of System in Primary Professional and Secondary Professional Education for Training Specialists in the field of Agriculture on the basis of the Branch Interregional Resource Center".

The exposition developed by higher education institution within exhibition part of the VII International congress "Global education — education without borders" became an evident illustration of its report. The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D. V. Livanov examined the presented materials. He also listened to explanations of the deputy director of Department of state policy in the sphere of preparation of personnel and additional professional education of this department T. M. Alimova, accompanying him in excursion on the exhibition, and members of delegation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

At final meeting participants of the VII International congress "Global education — education without borders" estimated results of the exchange of opinions, planned ways for further work on development of professional education in the Russian Federation. 

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