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Innovations of year


The Stavropol State Agrarian University presented the development and the small innovative enterprises at the annual exhibition competition "Innovations of Year". It passed on November 29-30, 2013 in Stavropol.

As the organizer of action the committee of economic development of city administration at Stavropol acted with support of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of region and the Ministry of economic development of Stavropol Krai.

More than 40 companies, the organizations and higher education institutions presented innovative development in various spheres: food industry, building industry, agriculture and even small aircraft.

Following the results of 2013 the Stavropol State Agrarian University headed by Rector Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev is awarded by the diploma for contribution in development of innovative activity in Stavropol Krai.

Action was visited by the acting as the Governor of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Vladimirov and the deputy chairman of the Government of Krai Andrey Murga. According to the words of honour guests, all innovations deserve attention of further study this question on their introduction.

"Any, even the most ingenious innovation, needs good presentation. The exhibition competition is an excellent opportunity to show the potential, to exchange experience with colleagues, to communicate to investors. Being a link between the city, regional power and business, the Chamber is always ready to render assistance to innovative business and scientific community", − the president of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Stavropol Krai Boris Obolenets noted in the report. 

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