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The regional Olympic Games on accounting passed in SSAU


On November 29, 2013 in the Stavropol State Agrarian University the annual regional student's Olympic Games on accounting passed. It was organized and carried out by teachers of Accounting Financial Account chair at Registration and financial faculty.

Six teams took part in the Olympic Games, 7 people in it from three higher education institutions and three professional educational institutions of Stavropol and Stavropol Krai: team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University; team of the Stavropol branch of the Moscow humanitarian and economic institute; team of the Stavropol branch of the Moscow state university of instrument making and informatics; team of the Stavropol construction technical school; team of Aleksandrovsky agricultural college; team of Praskoveysky agricultural technical school.

Each team prepared the greeting. During the Olympic Games participants carried out some tasks for knowledge of accounting, its history, accounting financial statements. Tasks gave the chance to students to show ingenuity, resourcefulness, erudition. All teams successfully coped with the received tasks. Heads of teams became members of competent jury. In the final of the Olympic Games winners were awarding with diplomas and cups:

− the cup and the diploma of 1 degree awarded teams of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Stavropol construction technical school;

− the cup and the diploma of 2 degrees – teams of the Moscow state university of instrument making and informatics and Aleksandrovsky agricultural college;

− a cup and the diploma of 3 degrees – teams of the Stavropol branch of the Moscow humanitarian and economic institute and Praskoveysky agricultural technical school. 

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