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We are again winners − two grants of program «UMNIK on START»!


On December 4, 2013 «UMNIK on START» programs are summed up. Among winners the senior teacher of chair of production and processing food from raw materials M. V. Selivanova and graduate student of the first year training from faculty of veterinary medicine O.I.Sevostyanova. For realization of their scientific researches Fund of Assistance to Development of Small Forms Enterprises in the scientific and technical spheres allocates grants of 1 million rubles.

Maria Selivanova became the owner of grant "UMNIK" in 2011. The new grant will be allocated for continuation researches on development economically effective schemes of root and extra root food on the basis of application biologically active connections and mineral fertilizers for crops. It is planned that as a result of implementation of this project new organomineral fertilizers with BAS for vegetable cultures will be received, and the market of agrochemicals will be entered by a new product.

Scientific work is conducted under the leadership of the head of agrochemistry and physiology of plants chair, the Doctor of agricultural sciences, Professor A.N. Esaulko. Scientific consultant is the manager of educational and scientific laboratory "Green-house complex» Yu. P. Proskurnikov.

During implementation of «UMNIK» program Olga Sevostyanova under the leadership of the head of therapy and pharmacology chair, the Doctor of veterinary sciences V.A.Orobets carried out research work on studying influence of application complex preparation on the basis of selenium and vitamin E microcell on organism of different types of a bird. Within a grant

" UMNIK on START" this work will be continued for the purpose of development complex preparation for increase resistance to stress, efficiency and quality production of animal husbandry and poultry farming. The offered product is the modifed improved and improved form of the complex preparation, including 10 components being in an optimum ratio. Result of development normalization of exchange processes, activization of system antioxidant protection of an organism, increase indicators of conversion forage, intensive gain of live weight. Besides, application of the developed preparation as not doping means for increase resistance to stress of an organism of horses in sports horse breeding is in the long term planned.

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