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To attention of staff of the small innovative companies of Stavropol Krai! Group on training according to additional professional programs of professional development is assembled


The Stavropol State Agrarian University invites from December 10 to December 20, 2013 the staff of the small innovative companies of Stavropol Krai to training according to the following additional professional programs of professional development:

1. "Venture financing of innovative projects";

2. "Development of youth innovations: tendencies and practice".

The purpose of training is improvement and obtaining new competences by the staff of the small innovative companies of Stavropol Krai.

Training is provided free of charge within implementation of the State contracts No. 78 and No. 82 of the Ministry of economic development of Stavropol Krai.

Place of training: Stavropol, Zootekhnichesky Lane, 12, FSBEI HPE Stavropol SAU.

It is necessary to the training for the staff of the innovative companies of Stavropol Krai to submit applications for one of programs for the forms provided below in Institute of additional professional education of FSBEI HPE of the Stavropol SAU by fax: +7 (8652) 24-77-23, 71-60-19, or by e-mail: idpo@stgau.ru.

Contact persons:

1 . "Venture financing of innovative projects" — Lisova Olga Mikhailovna, the vice rector for the correspondence and additional education: +7 (8652) 71-60-19, 24-77-23, +7 (928) 293-66-90.

2 . "Development of youth innovations: tendencies and practice" — Morozov Vitaly Yuryevich, the acting vice rector for scientific and innovative work: +7 (8652) 35-84-22, +7 (918) 876-05-35.

On completion of training after successful passing the certificates of professional development of the established sample will be issued to listeners.

Forms of demands:

1. "Venture financing of innovative projects";

2. "Development of youth innovations: tendencies and practice"

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