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¼ intra high school leagues KVN passed


On December 4, 2013 the first game of new season in intra high school league KVN took place. 5 teams took part in quarterfinal league: "Engineers" (team of Electrical power faculty and Farm mechanization faculty), "Economservice" (team of faculties Economics and Socio-cultural service and tourism), "the 204th quarter" (team of faculties Technological management and Veterinary medicine), team of Agronomy faculty and Plant protection faculty, and also team of Registration and financial faculty.

Following the results of three competitions − greeting, warm-up with a hall and musical homework − the victory was won by team of faculties Economics and Socio-cultural service and tourism, the second place was divided by team of Agronomy faculty and Plant protection faculty and team of Registration and financial faculty, after them "Engineers" and " 204th quarter". In the following stage − a semi-final − all teams passed. However, further participants of the final will be determined by the sum of two games. 

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