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The best video is made in Agrarian University


Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in competition of short video "Silver Film — 2013". Competition took place in some stages from October 10, 2013 to December 10, 2013 in the following directions:

1. Art video.

2. Documentary video.

3. Comic video.

4. Musical clip.

5. Social advertizing.

6. Advertizing.

7. Reporting.

8. Animation.

9. Out of format.

Works of our students won victory in the nominations "Comic Video" and "Advertising". By the way, for five years the students of SSAU have won in the nomination "Comic Video". In total 8 works were sent for competition from our higher education institution.

All participants received diplomas for participation.

Young people aged from 14 till 30, youth public organizations and associations, pupils of the higher and secondary professional education institutions, creative associations and video-studio were invited to participate in this competition. 

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