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Advanced training courses for staff of the innovative companies from Stavropol Krai began


In the Stavropol state agrarian university advanced training courses for staff of the innovative companies from Stavropol Krai pass according to the program "Development of youth innovations: tendencies and practice" with application of remote educational technologies. The customer of the program is the Ministry of economic development of Stavropol Krai. It is organized for 72 hours. Training began on December 12, 2013 and will proceed within three days by means of internal occupations, seminars, business games, and also remote educational technologies.

The vice- rector for the correspondence, intramural and extramural and additional education associate professor O. M. Lisova told listeners about terms and an order of carrying out advanced training courses. Then the vice- rector for scientific and innovative work associate professor V. Yu. Morozov greeted the audience; he told that sections of the program characterize theoretical and practical aspects of youth business, and also topical issues of protection of intellectual property. In the program features of business incubators work in Russia, the basic principles of functioning co-working centers, business accelerators are considered, practice of fundrizing is analyzed. Especially the purposes of implementation of this program – obtaining new competences of area on bases of youth innovative business, the organization of innovative activity at the enterprises, registrations, protection and transfer of intellectual property, production certification are emphasized in it.

Introduction lecture on distance learning was given by the teacher of Registration and financial faculty associate professor S. G. Shmatko. Shortly the director general of JSC MPP «Kandela», the senior teacher of Automatic equipment, electronics and metrology chair V. V. Samoylenko told about the course.

Each participant received distributing materials – the working program and a workbook of the course, the collection of legislative base on the main aspects of innovative activity in Stavropol Krai and a methodical grant of the user for distance learning – SSAU developed by teachers.

Very substantial lecture with the interesting facts on the subject "Tendencies and Development of Innovations" was given by the chairman of committee of the Duma of Stavropol Krai by training and science, the head official Fund of assistance to development of small enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere of Stavropol Krai, the Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, Professor Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kuzyakova. She told that innovations are an introduction in practice of our life new product which wasn't or was, but the person presented it in new quality. It is important that an idea reached the consumer and it was realized. Lyudmila Mikhaelovna also told about winners of the competitions "START", "UMNIK", "UMNIK on START", how the simple idea unique and what huge benefit began to bring as a result of introduction. Many successful practical development and details were discussed .She on her own example taught listeners, as scientific idea can be turned into money. Throughout all speech there was the appeal to the young people – don't stand still, think, and everything will turn out! Lyudmila Mikhailovna finished the lecture with the words: "Dare, never stop. Forward! And I will help you!" 

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