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We congratulate winners of the All-Russian Olympic Games!


On December 10-11, 2013 on the basis of the Saratov state agrarian university named by N. I. Vavilov within the 100 anniversary of university the All-Russian Olympic Games "Success Economics" took place.. Students of SSAU took part in the Olympic Games named by N. I. Vavilov, RSAU-MAA by K. A. Timiryazev (Moscow), SSAU (Stavropol), OSAU (Orenburg) and YaSAA (Yaroslavl).

By results of the Olympic Games the first place was taken by team of Registration and financial faculty of the Stavropol state agrarian university, consisting of students of the 5th course Darya Bondar, Anna Nemarovchenko, Anastasia Pechnikova, Anastasia Tsybulkina, Marina Rogovtseva.

Teams competed as in theoretical and practical knowledge of professional disciplines, and in creative competition. The Olympic Games took place in three stages:

- "Homework";

- Solution of tasks on disciplines "Accounting (financial) reports", "Analysis of economic activity" and "Audit";

- Testing (on the same disciplines).

The jury of the Olympic Games consisted of heads of participating teams. From the Stavropol state agrarian university the jury included the Doctor of Economics, professor of "Economic Analysis and Audit" chair Irina Viktorovna Taranova.

In free from the Olympic Games program time students got acquainted with university and its museums (N. I. Vavilov's memorial office museum and the entomological museum), visited an exhibition of educational books and periodicals on the professional disciplines, organized by SSAU library and a concert in the assembly hall. And during sightseeing walking tour in historical places they knew about the history of Saratov. 

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