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Students of SSAU participated in ceremony of presenting the National Award "Civil Initiative"


On December 14, 2013 in Moscow the first ceremony of presenting the National Award "Civil Initiative" took place. In total more than 500 social projects and initiatives of citizens from 72 regions of Russia took part in competition for the national award "Civil Initiative". The authors of the projects who have become nominees and winners of regional awards arrived to the ceremony.

Among participants there were two students of the Stavropol state agrarian university Ekaterina Voytysheva with the "Streets Are Called by Their Names" project and Anna Omelchenko − the organizer of the action " Computer Literacy Training for Elderly People ".

12 winner projects were defined by the Grand Award jury consisting of 27 members of the Civil initiative committee and headed by the chairman of KSI Alexey Kudrin.

The head of Committee noted that "the today's ceremony − is an investment into the future". "It is only beginning. The committee will work with an award further. We will help to look for funds for social projects", − he emphasized.

"A problem of competition is to attract public attention to unknown heroes of our time. They worked unselfishly, nobody of them waited for awards and support. Their experience should extend, teach others to go in such way. We want to finish known stereotype "an initiative is punishable". We will prove that the initiative is encouraged", - Alexey Kudrin told. He also thanked all who helped with the ceremony organization, having especially marked out those who made it absolutely unselfish.

To congratulate winners the national actor of the USSR Vladimir Zeldin went on the scene. "You do the world kinder, live long and happily! » − he told. 

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