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Students of SSAU met Aleksandr Karelin

On December 20, 2013 in the Stavropol Palace of children's creativity the meeting of students with the triple Olympic champion, the ninefold world champion, the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation A. A. Karelin took place. The meeting took place in very warm, friendly atmosphere. Karelin told about many interesting moments of sports and public life, about how, in his understanding, the sports industry and those aspects which are necessary for this purpose have to develop. Also he said his opinion how the country has to use resources for high-quality development of sports industry. Besides, Alexander Aleksandrovich answered numerous questions of students. And following the results of meeting he noted the most interesting questions of students and gave them presents. "As the majority of questions was today from students of agrarian university and as they set the tone for this meeting, I want to thank, especially, the Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev", − the champion finished meeting, having handed over to Vladimir Ivanovich the book about Ivan Poddubniy, − the well-known Russian and Soviet athlete.

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