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World Russian National cathedral


On December 21, 2013 at the Stavropol state agrarian university meeting the second section of the Stavropol Forum of the World Russian National cathedral took place. The motto of this present forum – "The moral and responsible personality – a basis of the strong state".

The cochairman of the Stavropol regional office of WRNC, the Metropolitan Stavropolsky and t Nevinnomyssky Kirill opened meeting. He emphasized that the forum is directed to affect the solution of the moral problems remaining today in society, and it has already taken place in work of the World Russian national cathedral.

Addressing to participants of meeting, the acting as the Governor of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Vladimirov noted importance of such platform, as the forum of the World Russian National cathedral for enrichment the inner world of each participant, for preservation advantage of Russia − multinationalities and varieties.

The national actor of Russia, the president of the International film forum "The gold hero" Nikolay Burlyaev devoted the performance to culture problems in modern Russia: "It is necessary to think about our future at the level of government, and to determine these concepts as the main and to bring them in laws. And, especially — in laws of culture. And to develop strategy of cultural policy because we have no cultural policy in general. The state has to protect firm moral values and has not look back to the West which pushes us in chasm".

Participants of forum could get answers for their interesting questions from the Metropolitan Stavropolsky and the Nevinnomyssky Kirill, the acting as the Governor of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Vladimirov, the President of the International film forum "The gold hero" Nikolay Burlyaev. 

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