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Vice-president of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences gave public lecture in SSAU


On December 23, 2013 the first vice-president of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Rosselkhozakademiya's academician, professor, the doctor of agricultural sciences, the President of the Russian union of poultry breeders Vladimir Ivanovich Fisinin gave in the Stavropol SAU public lecture "Innovative development of world and domestic poultry farming: conditions and future calls".

Vladimir Ivanovich at the beginning of lecture emphasized importance to have the finger on the pulse of world tendencies. "If the tendency arose, there are neither borders, nor customs for it. It will affect the market. So, 40 years ago in the USA the tendency of deep processing of fowl arose. At that time 93% of poultry was realized in the form of the whole carcass and only 7% were processed. Now, we see that the higher processing is, the more profitability of production", − Rosselkhozakademiya's vice-president noted.

The similar situation, according to Fisinin’s words, is with production of eggs too: "The world tendency consists in production of non - shelleggs. It is produced in dry and liquid form. Transition to this technology allows increasing profitability by 25-30%, to increase periods of storage, also such form is convenient for transportation".

Vladimir Ivanovich gave rating of large companies and organizations for production broiler’s meat in 2012. The Stavropol group of agroenterprises «Resource» is among the Russian leaders too. Its share in the market makes 10% and it takes the third place in rating. Thus, according to Fisinin, SAE "Resource" possesses sufficient potential for getting the second place in rating.

In the end of the lecture the vice-president of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences announced a release of the book "History of the Russian Poultry Farming". The first volume will appear in spring and will be devoted to history of poultry farming from 1667 for 1917. The exit of two more volumes of this series is also planned.

During the meeting the audience could ask interesting questions. So, for example, it was asked the question of using hormones and antibiotics in production of poultry and possibility of production really organic, pure meat. Vladimir Fisinin disproved the myth about using hormones in sterns of poultry: "Even if to add hormones in forage essential influence on development of broilers it won't have. Intramuscular pricks are necessary. Thus their cost is a quarter of chicken cost. So it is absolutely not profitable. As for antibiotics, I will note that in Russia in 1956 using antibiotics of tetracycline row in animal husbandry was forbidden. If we speak about taste of meat, it is influenced by other factors. One of them is early slaughtering of poultry. Now we slaughter poultry at the age of 39-40 days, in other countries, for example Japan, it occurs for 56-63 day. Such measure allows achieving better meat. We need to introduce the monitoring system from raw materials to the final product. We need to introduce the monitoring system from raw materials to the final product. There has to be decency of the producer, his code of honor and the answer for the product".

Summing up the meeting result, Rosselkhozakademiya's vice-president Vladimir Fisinin noted high level of work at the Stavropol state agrarian university: "I visited many places but I am ready to tell that you have the finest university: with excellent material equipment, possession of techniques, personnel potential. And I see future development of science in closer work of educational and scientific institutions".

The Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Professor V. I. Trukhachev noted that the university cooperates very well now with the Stavropol research institutes: SSRIAH and SSRIA. And also he suggested holding as much as possible meetings with representatives of production, education and agricultural science on the basis of SSAU.

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