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"Nine the best" students


The results of competition for the rank of the best students of the Stavropol SAU "Nine the Best" in December are summed up.

"Nine the best" is the competition of recognition the best students of the faculties which have shown outstanding results in educational, research, public, cultural and mass, creative, sports life of university and out of it. At assessment of contestants special progress in studying, progress in research activity, results of extracurricular activities was considered.

The best students of December, 2013 became:

Agronomy faculty

SERGEY KRIVOSHEYEV – the student of 3 course, the excellent student, the head of course, the head of the fifth course, the chairman of SEC at faculty, the commander of volunteer group "Zabota". Nominal scholar of the governor of Stavropol Krai 2013, participant of scientific and practical conferences, author of 6 scientific articles. Organizer of intra high school and city charitable actions.

Plant protection faculty

GALINA NAUMOVA – the student of 3 course, the honors pupil, the party member "United Russia". The active organizer and the participant of various creative and cultural events, both at faculty, and at university: Open Day, exit propaganda programs, PTA meetings, final and anniversary concerts, "Ms. University − 2012". She is the winner of city, regional, All-Russian and international vocal competitions. In 2011 at the All-Russian competition "Star Scattering" she received the title "Crystal Voice", the winner of student's spring in the nomination "Academic Vocal" in 2012 and 2013, the winner of the I degree in the International competition "Crystal Heart of the World", the winner of the II degree in the first International competition "Planet Voice", the winner of the I degree in the international competition "Sail of My Childhood", the winner of the interregional competition "Soldier's Envelope". After casting which passed at the Stavropol Academic drama theater by M. Yu. Lermontov, she plays the role Mona Lisa in the musical "Leonardo". In November, 2013 she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University" for active public and cultural work

Faculty of veterinary medicine

TATYANA CHERNOVA − the student of 4 course, the honors pupil of study, a nominal scholar of the President of the Russian Federation, the winner of an award in support of talented youth, the prize-winner of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientific HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the MCX Russian Federation, the owner of grant of the II degree at the All-Russian exhibition of scientific and technical creativity of youth, the winner and the prize-winner of the international and All-Russian agro-industrial exhibitions and fairs, "UMNIK of Stavropol Krai-2013", the author of 16 scientific articles, 3 from them are in the magazines recommended by HSC of the Russian Federation.

Faculty of technological management

ARINA IVANOVA – student of 4 course, honors pupil. The prize-winner of Championships of the Southern federal district in track and field athletics, the participant of the IV Summer University games of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the prize-winner of winter superiority of Stavropol Krai on track and field athletics, the winner of track and field athletics relay devoted to the Great Victory 1945, the winner of the Winter personal championship of Stavropol Krai on track and field athletics, the participant of the XXII Superiority of Russia on track and field athletics cross-country.

Socio - cultural service and tourism faculty

EKATERINA ROMANENKO – student of 2 course, honors pupil of study, head of course. The nominal scholar of the governor of Stavropol Krai, the winner of the Award in support of talented youth by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the member of council of regional public organization "Union of Children at Stavropol Territory", the member of city youth chamber at the Duma of the city Stavropol, the winner of the regional competition "Lider−2013". She is the participant of the International practical conferences who was awarded by the medal "Pride and Glory of University". For three years dances in group "Stylnye Shtutki", she is approved as the volunteer on Paraolimpic games in Sochi 2014.

Registration and financial faculty

MARINA ROGOVTSEVA – the student of the 5th course, the honors pupil of study, the nominal scholar of Charity foundation V. Potanina (2012, 2013), the nominal scholar of the Government of the Russian Federation (2013), the winner of grant competition of Charity foundation of V. Potanin (Sochi, 2012), the winner of the All-Russian Olympic Games "Success Economy" (Saratov, 2013). She is the participant of Russian and international scientifically – practical conferences. In November, 2013 she was awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University" for active public and scientific work.

Economic faculty

VADIM PAVLOV – the student of 4 course, the excellent student, the head of group. Scholar and participant of Winter school of fund by V. Potanin 2013. The winner of the second stage in the All-Russian competition of the Ministry of Agriculture for the best scientific work among students (Vladikavkaz, 2013). He is the author of 12 scientific articles, member of student's group "Tolk". The volunteer of XXII Winter Olympic games in Sochi. The volunteer of test competitions of federal and world level, among which World Cups on bobsled, skeleton, biathlon, and also the track and field athletics World Cup in Moscow. Torch carrier of Olympic torch relay "Sochi 2014". Among the students of the team of SSAU he is the winner and the prize-winner of city quests " 20 anniversary of the Constitution in Russia", "Day of flag", "My city – 2013". The owner of the Cambridge certificate confirming high level of proficiency in English. The prize-winner of the city interuniversity competition in English «Train your brain".

Faculty of farm mechanization

ANNA Soroka– the student of the 5th course, the honors pupil of study throughout all training. Member of student's group "Mechta" and volunteer group "TOLK", member of regional staff of the All-Russian public organization "Young Guard of the United Russia". The participant of ascientific and student's circle on preseeding processing of crop seeds by physical factors. Member of an editorial board of FMSH.

Electrical power faculty

ALYONA GUTSEVICH – the student of the 5th course, the honors pupil of study, the head of group, the chairman of students' scientific society at course. The participant of competition in research and innovative development of talented youth within the All-Caucasus forum "MASHUK - 2012". Participant of «UMNIK» 2012 program of year. She actively participates in public and sports life of university, the city and region. She is awarded by diplomas and for victories and participation in scientific and practical conferences. 

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