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Governor of Stavropol Krai held press conference


  The results of 100 days at the head of Vladimir Vladimirov working as the governor were summed up at the press conference which was held on 10-th of January 2014 at the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The journalists from all our region came to the meeting with the governor. Media-representatives were interested in different questions: from staff reforms in administration, economics and development of KMV-region to informative and cultural policy in Krai and sports development on Stavropolye. Also there were asked questions about agrarian sector of economics. Vladimir Vladimirov noted that this year previous volume of subsidies to region budget would be the same and it might be increased. The governor said that it would be necessary to give more attention to development of cattle-breeding and enterprises on processing of agricultural products. « These two directions are the most perspective and will give more working places than grain production»,-noted Vladimir Vladimirov.

At the end of the press-conference Vladimir Vladimirov congratulated the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the corresponding member RAAS, Professor Vladimir Trukhachev with awarding «EFQM Excellence Award-2013» for business perfection and presented greeting address. «This event is bright confirmation of the best University in our country. High quality of higher education is the most important part of our Krai image. Let the achievements of the Stavropol State Agrarian University help to improve the well-being of our Krai», - is written in governor’s address.   

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