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Lyudmila Kuzyakova became honourable Professor of SSAU


The rank of honourable Professor is appropriated by the solution of Academic board of the Stavropol State Agrarian University to the chairman of the Duma committee of Stavropol Krai on training and science Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kuzyakova. The ceremony took place on January 14, 2014.

"I am touched by this rank to the depth of my soul. And, gaining the diploma, I felt real excitement and trepidation because of the Stavropol state agrarian university is not only the best higher education institution in our country, but also the best higher education institution on the Earth. And it is because such people as you work here. You help young scientists to master new steps of science. And it is a difficult and thorny road", − Lyudmila Mikhailovna noted getting the cloak of honourable Professor.

The Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university, the corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, professor, the deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev told in his turn: "You do great serious work and we are very thankful to you. Now it is hard time for education and we are grateful for your accurate and verified position on all questions of science and education. We are glad that you deal with us". 

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