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Young scientists of North Caucasus Federal District for region and Russia agrarian and industrial complex


On February 6, 2014 at the Stavropol State Agrarian University the III Interregional scientific and practical conference "Young Scientists of North Caucasus Federal District for Region and Russia Agrarian and Industrial Complex" took place dated for Day of Russian science.

The Rector of the Stavropol SAU, Professor, the Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev took part in action; Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, Professor, Chairman of Committee on Education and science of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Lyudmila Mikhailovna Kuzyakova; First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Stavropol Krai Sergey Dmitriyevich Ridny, vice-chairman of the Duma of Stavropol Krai Victor Ivanovich Lozovoy.

Opening the III Interregional scientific and practical conference, the Rector of the Stavropol SAU V. I. Trukhachev congratulated all scientists of higher education institution with the Day of Russian science and noted that the 4th year the competition for grants and awards of the Academic Council of the Stavropol SAU in the field of science and innovations for young scientists is held. "We started introducing this system of encouragement in the form of intra high school grants and awards in 2010. The initial prize fund made that time a half million rubles. In 2013/2014 academic year for these purposes by the solution of the Academic Council there was given 2 million rubles. The similar initiative of Council of young scientists of our University collected the results: today at the University successfully work 44 small innovative enterprises. Among them 39 enterprises are created with financial support of «START program» with financing 1 million rubles. Within the Federal law № 217-FL 5 small innovative enterprises function. The grant of the Academic Council of SSAU we position as "PredUMNIK". And it gives the results. For all the time of existence the competition in Stavropol Krai young scientists of our University won more than 70 grants «UMNIK».

The chairman of Committee on Education and science of the Duma of Stavropol Krai L. M. Kuzyakova in the speech thanked the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev for that support which he gives to scientists of SSAU, having created unique staff where young researchers work together with the honored tutors. Lyudmila Mikhailovna wished to all scientists of the Stavropol SAU realization of their ideas and development in real products.

"I don’t doubt, everything will be perfect! Because you already in practice prove readiness to join ranks of young scientific elite of leading Agrarian Higher Education Institution of Russia, taking confident steps in science. Opportunities for this purpose at our University will be created now and further. Everything depends only on you, your persistence, diligence and creative researches", - Vladimir Trukhachev ended the conference.

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