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Professional standards for Agrarian and industrial complex are approved


On February 6 in the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation meeting of Advisory board according to professional standards took place. There were 8 teachers of four faculties of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. They presented the projects of standards prepared at Higher Educational Institution for a number of professions for workers and specialists of agro-industrial complex.

After detailed discussion of the normative documents prepared at the Stavropol State Agrarian University, members of the Advisory board, the work of which was directed by the Deputy Minister of work and social protection of the Russian Federation Lyubov Yurevna Eltsova, gave a positive assessment to such professional standards as "The expert in the field of decorative gardening", "Gardener", "Agronomist", "Cattle breeder", "Poultry breeder", "Beekeeper".

The same assessment was received on January 31, 2014 to the professional standards "Tractor Operator-driver of Agricultural Production", "Mechanic on repairing agricultural machines and equipment", "Handler of Skins".

The following stage of work within implementation of the state contracts on development of professional standards is preparation and transfer of reporting materials to the customer — to Research institute of work and insurance of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in Russian Federation. 

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