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"Agrarian science, creativity, growth – 2014"


On February 12, 2014 at the Stavropol State Agrarian University the IV International scientific and practical conference "Agrarian Science, Creativity, Growth — 2014" started. Four years it is hold in the form of postgraduate readings by representatives of three faculties: Registration and financial, Agronomy and Plant protection.

Annually more than 300 students, undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and all regions of Russia become participants of the conference.

This year at opening there was the Regional Director of the International institute of plants food in the South and the East of Russia, Candidate of Biology Vladimir Vladimirovich Nosov. He presented the report on the subject "Tasks of the International Institute of Plants Food and Results of Projects in the South of Russia", told about competitions and institute grants, and also handed over the Winner certificate o to the graduate student of Agrochemistry and physiology of plants chair Elena Aleksandrovna Ustimenko.

By results of the annual competition of scientific works of students and graduate students Scholar Award-2013 Elena became the only winner from Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. The sum of the grant makes 2000 euros.

Besides the Vice - Rector for scientific and innovative work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, associate professor V. Yu. Morozov, the Head of scientific and innovative training center, associate professor Yu. A. Bezgina, the Dean of Agronomy and Plant protection faculties, the Doctor of agricultural sciences, Professor A. N. Esaulko, the Dean of Registration and financial faculty, the Doctor of Economics, Professor E. I. Kostyukova made a speech at the plenary session.

Also reports were made by the assistant of Accounting Management chair M. V. Feskova "Management of expenses on the basis of dumping cycle", the assistant of the chair "Ecology and landscape construction of" Yu. Yu. Nebogina " Assessment of specific structure and condition of plantings in the square «Neptun plant» in Stavropol", the graduate student of Accounting Management chair T. A. Polyanskaya "Flexible budgets as control element in the agricultural organizations, the graduate student of chair Agrochemistry and physiology of plants E. A. Sedykh "Influence of mineral fertilizers on productivity and quality of oil seeds in sunflower hybrids on the lixivious chernozem at Stavropol Plateau".

Conference will continue the work till February 28 in subsections, and by May, 2014 release of collections from conference materials is planned. 

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