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Lesson of courage


On February 12, 2014 within the celebration of the 25th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan at the Stavropol State Agrarian University the students’ meeting with the member of the Journalists’ Union, the writer, in the past the participant of operations in Afghanistan, the author of several documentary and art books about war in Afghanistan Sergey Vladimirovichem Skripalyom took place. The former military man told students about difficult years of service, remembered the brightest points from life of the soldier, and also answered questions of children. About 300 students became participants of "Lesson of courage".

It should be noted that on February 15, in Memory Day of Russians executing an office duty outside the Motherland, we remember not only veterans of war in Afghanistan, but also the compatriots who were taking part in more than 30 armed conflicts outside the country. 25 thousand Russians gave their lives during execution of the office duty.  

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