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Minister of Agriculture of Russian Federation visited SSAU


On February 17, 2014 during working visit to Stavropol Krai the Minister of Agriculture of Russian Federation visited the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The Federal Minister Nikolay Fedorov and the Rector of SSAU Vladimir Trukhachev discussed questions of training qualified personnel for agrarian and industrial complex, employments of experts, and prospects of modern agrarian education in Russia. The Head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation highly appreciated results of hard work of scientists of higher education institution thanks to which the Stavropol State Agrarian University won competitive selection on performance especially significant for agrarian and industrial complex research projects. In particular, SSAU will be engaged in development of biotechnological methods of genomic selection in creation new breeds and types of highly productive animals. 20 million rubles are allocated for these purposes for the first time from the Federal budget on implementation of the project.

In Agrarian Higher Education Institution the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation examined the exhibition of University’s achievements, scientific development and met students.

Nikolay Fedorov congratulated scientists of Higher Education Institution with victory and hoped that results of their creative activity will find worthy application in Russian agro-industrial complex.

"At the Stavropol Agrarian University there is very creative, strong staff. Therefore they passed competitive selection from 40 agrarian higher education institutions participating in competition and got a grant of the Minister on achieving big results in genomic selection in sheep breeding. You have much to show and to aspire and therefore these 20 million become such grant support for creative scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University", - the Minister addressed to scientists of Higher Education Institution.

On the basis of Higher Education Institution the meeting of the Interdepartmental commission on consideration of the questions connected with carrying out in 2014 seasonal field agricultural works and rendering the operational help to governing bodies of agrarian and industrial complex of subjects in Russian Federation from North Caucasian and Southern Federal districts also passed where the beginning of spring field works is expected at the end of February from additional fertilizing for winter crops.

The Director of the Plant growing, chemicalixation and plant protection department Pyotr Chekmarev reported about the preparation for carrying out spring field works in regions of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal districts. In particular, the current year in the Southern Federal District increase in the area of sowing of spring-sown field at 65,1 thousand hectares, corn at grain on 38,1 thousand hectares, soy on 26,4 thousand hectares and sugar beet on 19,2 thousand hectares is predicted. It is noted that in many respects performance of objectives will depend on effective carrying out organizational and technological actions and timely financial support for spring field works.

The Head of Animal husbandry and breeding business department Vladimir Labinov emphasized that in 2013 in Stavropol Krai production of cattle and poultry on slaughter in live weight at farms of all categories increased by 13,2% according to level of 2012 and made 380,4 thousand tons, including production of pigs on slaughter grew by 49,7%, birds – for 13,1%. At the same time production of cattle on slaughter in live weight decreased by 5,9%, sheep and goats – for 1,4%.

The Director of the Animal husbandry Department in his report paid attention to heads of governing bodies of agrarian and industrial complex of subjects of the Russian Federation entering the Southern Federal District and North Caucasus federal district, on relevance of increasing the level of marketability of milk production and increase in level of coverage by artificial insemination of uterine number of cattle.

The Head of Economy and state support for agrarian and industrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Department Anatoly Kutsenko informed about realization results of the State program in development of agriculture and regulation of the markets of agricultural production, raw materials and food for 2013-2020 and designated the tasks facing governing bodies of agrarian and industrial complex of regions for 2014. It was noted that in recent years only production of animal husbandry showed stable growth. As a whole it provided higher rates on agriculture production. In 2013 the gain of agricultural production made 6,2%.

The acting as the Governor of Stavropol Krai Vladimir Vladimirov made a speech at this meeting. He spoke about the questions of the state stimulation in development of agriculture. In particular, he called necessary increase in volumes of so-called untied, "per hectare" support for agricultural producers of Stavropol Territory. Also, according to the acting as the Governor, it is necessary to develop at federal level measures for development of pastures: "These measures we do not support investors, but own competitiveness, we develop production of our agricultural products", – he noted. 

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