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Sixfold scholar of fund Potanin, only in North Caucasus federal district studies in SSAU


The advisory council summed up the results of student's competition of the Scholarship program of fund ofVladimir Potanin. Following the results of two rounds names of 300 winners are defined. Among them undergraduate of Registration and financial faculty Alexander Shavernev. He has already for the sixth time taken part in competition on receiving a grant of fund of Vladimir Potanin and for the sixth time become the winner! At present time Alexander is the only one student in the Federal district - the sixfold owner of Potanin’s grant. According to the General Director of Charity fund of Vladimir Potanin Larisa Zelkova this year high competition remained traditional for educational programs of fund – 10 people applied for one grant:" The Advisory board had to make a hard choice and the most worthy became winners really. Winners of competition are distinguished by variety of professional and educational plans. However all of them are united by "Potanin spirit" - readiness to work, offer ideas, move forward irrespective in the sphere which they chose. It is especially pleasant that among winners of Scholarship competition more than 30% are scholars of last years". All scholars of fund, organizers note, unites the general quality - an active living position: 90% have experience of participation in student's self-government, volunteer and public work. They also show constant aspiration to self-development (68%, besides the basic, have an additional education), and also a responsible approach to a choice of future profession - more than a half of them (59%) not only study, but also work. The majority of winners (63%) is from 23 to 25 years. In comparison with competition of last year, the number of scholars senior 25 years considerably grew. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.02.2014
Номер новости для фото:  1

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