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Victory in semi-final of sports project "Big Break-in"


he team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part on February 22, 2014 in a semi-final of the television sports project of the All-Russian state television and broadcasting company State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Stavropol Territory" "Big break-in". Also the teams of the Stavropol State Medical University, « Rosgosstrakh» companies and Business IT went on the ice.

Our «Agriki» team wasn't equal in speed, equipment, unusual approach to all competitions. The team of SSAU becomes the second year not only unconditional winner of a semi-final of "Big break-in", but also favourite of the audience. "Agriki" following the results of game gained the diploma of the first degree, as a gift - the plasma TV was handed over to them and our children reached the final of the sports project.

On March 1, 2014 it will be meeting of the Stavropol State Agrarian University with the teams of the North Caucasian Federal University, the Stavropol State Medical University and Theological Seminary. We wish children good luck! 

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