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Dialogue between Governor and Trade-union Organization


On February 4, 2014 in the Trade Unions House the meeting of Heads of the trade-union organizations of region and trade-union leaders with the acting as the Governor of Stavropol Krai V. V. Vladimirov took place. On behalf of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University the Chairman of primary trade-union organization Nikolay Golovin and representatives of faculties were present at it.

The acting as the Governor of Stavropol Krai during this meeting noted that he is the member of labor union from the very beginning of the work and by own experience knew that the labor union not only unites people, but also is a reliable partner in development of mutually acceptable decisions. Having highly appreciated the activity of regional trade-union movement at which persistent position the budget of the region is socially directed, he offered labor unions a number of the directions of joint activity, among which for today the task №1 - control over the implementation of May decrees of the Russian President.

Having promised support in fight against careless employers, Vladimir Vladimirov emphasized that he realizes the need of association bigger number of people in trade-union movement. He assured that the regional power will be accurately and clearly react to all remarks and offers of labor unions.

Finishing the meeting, the Chairman of FTUSK Vladimir Brykalov thanked Vladimir Vladimirov for the taken place straight talk. On its results it is decided to prepare the protocol in which all the problems will be recorded for the purpose of their maximum account in further work on social partnership. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.02.2014
Номер новости для фото:  3

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