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«Agriki» team won «Big Break» project final


On March 1, 2014 the team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the final of the television sports project of the All-Russian state television and broadcasting company State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Stavropol Territory" "Big break". The teams of the North Caucasian Federal University, the Stavropol State Medical University, and the Stavropol Theological Seminary came to the ice.

The main fight was between teams of SSAU and NCFU. And if the last relied on sports preparation, "Agriki" solved to add to the high speed and equipment extraordinary approach during all competitions. And therefore in "construction" competition came in special jackets of assemblers to the ice, in competition where it was necessary to lay the table on speed, our team managed not only to place ware, but also to seat at the table fine couple in evening dresses. One of difficult competitions was "Big relay" in which it was necessary to overcome obstacles in sledge, then to score hockey gate which was protected by the young pupil of hockey club "Soyuz", to hit the target from a gun for paintball and, at last, to bring down a pyramid with a ball. And here it was checked not only sports preparation, but also coordination of team. "Agriki" was succeeded to win excellent this stage and therefore they came for the last creative competition with confidence winners. And they played with enthusiasm and invention. In performance of team of the Agrarian there was a place both to romantic dances, and humour and an incendiary flashmob, and fireworks. With a sinking heart both the audience, and jury watched as great figure skaters skate "Top" and "Spiral", after supports and jumps. Certainly, such preparation was noted and the cup of the winner of the television sports project "Big Break" was handed over to the team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. But there wasn't equal not only to athletes of Agrarian University, but also their fans. Students amicably supported the team and were sure in their victory.

Details of how passed the final of the sports project "Big Break-in", interview with participants of «Agriki» team you watch «Student AU» program next week. 

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