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Congratulation of the Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University with the International Women's Day


Lovely women!

I warmly congratulate you with remarkable spring holiday - the International Women's Day the 8th of March!

This light day all men congratulate with sincere respect and give flowers to you − to our dear and loved mothers, wives, daughters, sisters.

Today we want to express our man's admiration of you and to tell gratitude words because you give life, you surround with care our children, for your wisdom and patience.

We, men, don't represent the life without you, without your love, attention, without your care as we don't represent today and society life without fruitful activity of women.

At our University the cleverest, the most talented representatives of a fine half of mankind work. And thanks to your endurance and diligence, mind and responsibility, ability most precisely to place priorities victories and achievements of our University are multiplied.

Thank you for support and understanding, great ability to do the world more beautiful, more joyful, and kinder. I wish all of you good health, wonderful spirit, love and family happiness! Let it be less troubles and worries in your life. And the attention and care which are given you by close people in this wonderful holiday,surround you always! Be happy and loved for many years!  

Rector of the Stavropol State
Agrarian University,
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Professor,
Deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai                                                                                                                            V.I.Trukhachev  

Дата новости для фото:  11.03.2014
Номер новости для фото:  3

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