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Competition for rank of the best students at Stavropol SAU "Nine Best"


The competition results for receiving the rank of the best students at the Stavropol SAU "Nine Best" in February are summed up.

"Nine the best" − it is the competition on identification the best students of the faculties which have shown outstanding results in educational, research, public, cultural and mass, creative, sports life of University and beyond its limits. At assessment of participants special progress in development of programs at higher education, progress in research activity, results of extracurricular activities was considered.

The best students of February, 2014 became:

Agronomy faculty

ANNA EVTUSHENKO – the student of the 5th course, the honors pupil of study, the author of 6 scientific articles. Nominal scholar of the Academic board at SSAU. She is awarded by the diploma for the II place in ASB North Caucasus Federal district, the certificate of the participant of the V International student's electronic scientific conference "Student's Scientific Forum". Within ten years four and a half years as a part of the team of University are engaged in basketball. She has the 2nd adult category on basketball. She is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University" for outstanding progress in study, research work and public life of University.

Plant protection faculty

SVETLANA OZERYANSKAYA – the student of Plant protection faculty 3 course, the honors pupil, the chairman of trade-union commitee of faculty, the active organizer various creative and cultural – mass actions at faculty, at University, the city, krai. Numerous winner of the intra high school competitions "Young Talents", "Student's Spring". The participant of ecological and charitable events, the leader of the VI camp of student's trade-union leaders’ schools of Federation of labor unions at Stavropol Krai "Youth – for the rights". Leader of student's group "Mechta". For outstanding progress in study, science, to research work and public life of University she is transferred to training at the expense of means of the Federal budget, she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Faculty of Veterinary medicine

ARTYOM ANTONENKO - the student of 4 course, the excellent student, the head of group. The candidate for the master of sports on weightlifting. The champion of games of the people in the South of Russia on weightlifting, the numerous champion of Stavropol Krai on weightlifting, the champion of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on powerlifting. For outstanding achievements in sports and public life he is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Faculty of technological management

ELENA TELEGINA – the student of 4 course, the honors pupil of study, the head of group, the chairman of the teaching and educational commission of faculty, the organizer of creative and public actions at faculty. Nominal stcholar of the Governor at Stavropol Krai, participant of scientific and practical conferences, author of 7 scientific articles. She is awarded by the medal "Pride and Glory of University" for active public and scientific work.

Socio - cultural service and tourism faculty

YANA KARNAUKHOVA – the student of 3 course, the honor pupil of study, the student's curator of 1 course 4 groups, the head in a hostel №. 1 of faculty, the active organizer of public life at faculty, the volunteer of Olympic torch relay. She is awarded by the diploma for the 2nd place in the nomination "Methodical Approach in Research" of the All-Russian student's scientific and practical conference "The economic analysis and audit: theory and practice", author of scientific articles. She is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University" for outstanding progress in scientifically – research work and public life of University.

Registration and financial faculty

EVGENY PODLESNYI – the student of 4 course, the excellent student, the member of labor union of students of SSAU, the animator of the "Financial Literacy at Schools and HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS" project. The student of the II extent in the regional Olympic Games on taxes and taxation in the nomination "Tax incentives" in team competition. He twice became the winner of Student's International correspondence scientific and practical conference "Scientific Community of Students in the XXI Century". Author of scientific articles. The semifinalist of the International Olympic Games among students "Fight of Banks". Participant of a number of volunteer actions «TOLK» group. He actively participates in information publicizing of actions of group at city and regional level. For outstanding achievements in research work and public life he is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Economics faculty

EVGENIA HODOROVICH – the student of 4 course, the honor pupil of study, the head of a course, a scholar of charity foundation of V. Potanin, the Assistant Secretary of economy of the youth government in Stavropol Krai, the active organizer of volunteer actions, the author of 8 scientific articles. The participant of the All-Russian Olympic Games on economy and management at the agrarian and industrial complex enterprise "Creative agrobusiness", (Saratov "The Saratov SAU by name of N. I. Vavilov"). She is awarded by the Diploma for the 2nd place in the nomination "Economy" of the II stage of the All-Russian competition for the best work among students, graduate students and young scientific Higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Russian Federation, 2013; the diploma of the I degree in the 77th annual student's conference "Agrarian science – to North Caucasus Federal district; the diploma of the prize-winner of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientific Higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the diploma for the 1st place at the All-Russian Olympic Games on economy and management at the agrarian and industrial complex enterprise "Creative agrobusiness" (in "AGRIKI" team). For outstanding achievements in research work and public life she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Faculty of Farm mechanization

VICTORIA DANILOVA – the student of 2 course, the honor pupil of study, the deputy student's dean of faculty, the member of trade-union committee of students of SSAU, the participant of the show ballet "Stylish Features". The active organizer and the participant various sports, creative and cultural - mass actions in Higher education institution and beyond its limits: "The leaders’ school", "Young talents", "Knowledge Day" "Student's spring", "Mr. of University", "Ms. of University", "The Tatiana’s Day - it’s not lazy to walk! ", "Maslenitsa". Guide of student's group "Mechta", volunteer of «TOLK» group. The winner of the nominations "Ms. Grazia" and "Ms. Photo" in the competition "Ms. of University-2013". The owner of the Cup for the best wall newspaper about healthy lifestyle of SSAU. The volunteer of Olympic torch relay, she is awarded by the trip as a member of University delegation to the Olympic Games in Sochi for active creative and public life.

Electrical power faculty

EVGENYI RESHETNYAK-student of the 5th course, 2 group, excellent student. The scholar of charity foundation V. Potanina, the scholar of the Governor in Stavropol Krai, the scholar of the Government of the Russian Federation for students and the graduate students who are training on specialties, corresponding to the priority directions of modernization and technological development of Russia. The captain of the realized project on clarification of the forest district Stavropol "Than farther in the wood …", the participant of Winter school of Charity foundationV. Potanin, the voluntary participant of "The staff of observers" at an election of the President of Russian Federation in 2012. Author of scientific articles. 

9 лучших-январь 2014

9 лучших-декабрь 2013

9 лучших-ноябрь 2013

9 лучших-октябрь 2013

Дата новости для фото:  12.03.2014
Номер новости для фото:  5

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