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Students of SSAU work at the Paralympic Games


Ten students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University now work at the Paralympic Games in Sochi as volunteers. Among them the student of Plant protection faculty Vladislava Smirnova who decided to share the impressions: "I work at Ceremony function. It means that my main work consists in the help during the opening ceremonies and closing of Games. My main work is at the Olympic stadium of Fisht. Together with volunteers who too work at Ceremony function we are engaged in all organizing work. For examples, during the opening ceremony we transported suits and gave them, and accompanied children's chorus which acted the opening ceremonies".

And the student of faculty Socio-cultural service and tourism Ekaterina Romanenko works in the Olympic Park where competitions on the sledge hockey and curling pass: "We work in the streets and are always glad to help people, to show where that is and we try to make so that visitors had a good mood. At the Opening ceremony I saw all athletes of our National team at the slip. It was succeeded to communicate and tell parting words. And today I got on curling competitions. Generally, we are always busy and we are always glad to any work of the volunteer". 

Дата новости для фото:  13.03.2014
Номер новости для фото:  9

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