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International scientific and practical conference devoted to modern problems of national economy development took place


On March 18, 2014 at Registration and financial faculty the seventh International scientific and practical conference "Modern Problems of National Economy Development" in on-line mode took place. Scientists of National University of bioresources and environmental management from Ukraine, the Slovak Agrarian University, Belgrad Institute of agrarian economy took part in the conference.

The great interest was caused by performance of Associate Professor A. N. Labenko "The taxation in state regulation of Ukraine". The report "About current state and prospects of development in the agrarian sphere of the region" was made by Professor of Economic analysis chair and audit M. G. Leshcheva. Economic problems of modern sheep breeding were considered in the performance by the Associate Professor of the same chair T. N. Steklova.

Conference gave the chance to foreign and Russian scientists to share experience in the solution of specific professional objectives, to deepen interaction in the field of actual problems in national economies development. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.03.2014
Номер новости для фото:  7

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