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Russia and Ukraine: calls and threats of the modern world


On March 27, 2014 in the Stavropol State Agrarian University the conference "Russia and Ukraine: calls and threats of the modern world" was organized by Department of educational work and social problems and Philosophy and history chair.

Among the invited guests there were an Ataman of the Stavropol Cossack army, the member of civic chamber, the Cossack colonel of the Cossacks Union in Russia Dmitry Vladimirovich Strigunov, the Ataman of the Stavropol district Cossack society of Tersky army of the Cossack district, the vice-chairman of Committee in Stavropol Krai on nationalities and Cossacks affairs, the Cossack colonel Alexander Nikolaevich Falko, the marching ataman of the Stavropol Cossack army, the army foreman of the Cossack Union in Russia Nikolay Kuzmich Chadov, the chairman of the Stavropol city council of veterans, the colonel Victor Aleksandrovich Kozachenkov.

The reporters brought up questions of community in historical destiny of the Russian and Ukrainian people, mutual help of the people in the USSR in days of the Great Patriotic War, danger of emergence and neo-fascism and ultranationalism development in the modern world. The Stavropol Cossacks participated in the meeting with representatives of the Crimea Government in March, 2014. Ways of cooperation and mutual help, future contacts of Stavropol Territory and the Crimea were discussed by participants of conference.

T he student of 2 course of Electrical power faculty Sergey Beglaryan took part in discussion of the problem " People of the USSR in Fight against Fascism in days of the Great Patriotic War"; the student of 3 course of Economic faculty Anton Brykalov with the report "Sources and price of fascism "; the acting as the Head of the chair Philosophy and history Nikolay Gavrilovich Guzynin, teachers of chair Philosophy and history - the Doctor of historical sciences, Professor Sergey Vladimirovich Janusz, the Doctor of historical sciences, Professor Svetlana Borisovna Kalinchenko, Associate Professors of philosophy and history Vladimir Ismailovich Kurchev, Natalya Aleksandrovna Kants.

In the conclusion of conference there was the appeal to youth about vigilance in the conditions of modern information pressure, unindifference to problems of fraternal peoples, fight against fascism in all its manifestations. 

Дата новости для фото:  27.03.2014
Номер новости для фото:  9

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