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Competition for searching a rank of the best students at Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine Best"


The competition results for searching a rank of the best students at the Stavropol SAU "Nine Best" in March are summed up.

"Nine Best" is a competition on identification of the best students of the faculties which have shown outstanding results in educational, research, public, cultural and mass, creative, sports life of University and outside of it. At an assessment of contestants special progress in development of higher education programs, progress in research activity, results of extra-curriculum work was considered.

The best students in March, 2014 became:

Agronomy faculty

NATALYA TIKHONOVA – the student of 4 course, the honors pupil of study, the Head of a course, the Chairman of the teaching and educational commission at the course, the Head of the academic group. Head of «Art Word» studio, deputy commander of student's group "Zabota". The organizer of creative and public actions at faculty. Participant of scientific and practical conferences, author of four scientific articles. Nominal scholar of charity foundation of V. Potanin. Participant of Winter school of charity foundation of V. Potanin. The winner of a review competition "I am proud of you, my Motherland! " (SSAU of 2013), the winner of intra high school competition of the readers devoted to the Great Patriotic War. For outstanding progress in study, research work and public life of University she is awarded by the medal "Pride and Glory of University" (2013).

Faculty of Plant protection

KSENIA NOVICK – the student of 4 course, the honors pupil of study, the Head of group, the Chairman of students' scientific society of faculty, the author of scientific articles. Nominal scholar of the Governor of Stavropol Krai (2013-2014). Actively participates in educational, research, public work of Higher education institution, faculty and region. Member of interregional public organization "Green Movement of Russia EKA"; member of a selection committee of University. «The step to the future» in North Caucasus Federal district in the Russian Federation She enters into jury of scientific competitions of young researchers«The step to the future» in North Caucasus Federal district in the Russian Federation. She is awarded by the diploma of the III degree in the nomination "The Best Project in the Sphere of Ecoinnovations" in interregional competition of the ecological projects "ECO-SOUTH - 2012", the diploma for the I place in the interuniversity team intellectual and ecological game "My Planet" (2013). Participant of regional School of the young innovator (2013) . Numerous winner of the intra high school competitions "Young Talents", "Student's Spring". Participant of ecological and charitable events: "We will keep the nature of Stavropol Territory", "To the native village – care of youth", "Earth Day", a flash mob "Breathe freely". For outstanding progress in study, research work and public life of University she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University" (2013).

Faculty of Veterinary medicine

EKATERINA KOTOVA – the student of 4 course, the honors pupil of study, the trade-union organizer of group, the chairman of a trade-union bureau of faculty of Veterinary medicine. Captain of KVN team of faculties Veterinary medicine and Technological management " 204th quarter", participant of the team KVN «Young Team of SSAU». Member of leaders' group SSAU "Mechta".

Faculty of Technological management

NADEZHDA RUDAKOVA – the student of 4 course, the deputy of the head in group, the head of dancing group of faculty. Active organizer of various creative, cultural and mass and charitable actions. Participant of scientific and practical conferences and public and legal conferences, author of scientific articles. Winner of the creative high school competitions "Young Talents", "Student's Spring".

Faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism

ALICA GRIGORYEVA – the student of 3 course, the honors pupil of study. She conducts active student's work at faculty. She helps with the organization of scientific, cultural and mass, charitable actions. She is the non-staff correspondent of the newspaper at the Stavropol State Agrarian University "Agrarian University". In November, 2013 for outstanding progress in study, research work and public life of university it is awarded the medals "Glory and Pride of University".

Registration and financial faculty

SVETLANA KUZMINYKH – the student of 4 course, the honors pupil of study, the member of scientific community of faculty, the active participant of conferences, the Olympic Games and competitions in the field of economy. Finalist of the Regional scholarship PWC program (2012). The numerous winner of the All-Russian Olympic Games of development of a national economy of Russia in the nomination №. 131 "Development of an economic complex in Federal districts" (Moscow, 2012-2013), and also the All-Russian competition of research works of pupils, students, graduate students (competitors) and research associates "Development of agrarian and industrial complex in the South of Russia" (Anapa, 2012-2013). Winner of the XV International student's correspondence scientific and practical conference "Scientific community of students in the XXI century. Economic sciences" (Novosibirsk, 2013) . She is the non-staff correspondent of the newspaper "Agrarian University". In November, 2013 for outstanding achievements in study, research work and public life of university she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Economics department

DANIIL PYATAK – the student 4 courses, the organizer and the active participant of creative actions of faculty, high school and city levels. Student's curator of 1 course, head of faculty dancing collective "HIP-HOP", member of leaders' group "Mechta". Takes active part in volunteer and public work. Winner of the competition "Mr. University — 2014". For outstanding achievements in study, research work and public life of university it is awarded by the medal "Pride and Glory of University".

Faculty of Farm mechanization

SERGEY AVILOV – the student of 4 course, the excellent student. Nominal scholar of the Government in the Russian Federation, winner of the Government Award of the Russian Federation in support of talented youth. She participated in the agricultural program of professional development organized by APOLLO e.v association. in Germany (2013) as the winner of the program won a grant and studied at agricultural school Grainau in Germany (2014). Winner of the All-Russian competition "UMNIK" (2011), owner of a grant of the I degree of the XII All-Russian exhibition in scientific and technical creativity of youth. She is awarded by the diploma for victory in the All-Russian competition of research works of pupils, students, graduate students "Development of agrarian and industrial complex in the South of Russia". He has a grant of the II extent of the All-Russian competition "3T.Digital Creator" (2012, 2013) and winner of the II extent of grant at the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of science and innovation for young scientists, the active participant of student's scientific and practical conferences and the Olympic Games. The author of scientific articles. In November 2013 for outstanding achievements in study, research activity he is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Electric power faculty

VLADISLAV POLYAKOV – the student of 3 course, the excellent student, the deputy of the head of group, the active organizer and participant of cultural events at faculty. The champion of Stavropol Krai on track and field athletics in team competition in relay at distance 4 on 400 m, the prize-winner of Stavropol Krai on track and field athletics in a team competition in the Swedish relay, the participant of the championship and championship of the Southern Federal district in track and field athletics, the participant of the IV Summer University games of Higher education institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture in the Russian Federation, the participant of the XXII Superiority of Russia on track and field athletics cross-country, the Prize-winner Chempionat of Stavropol Krai on army hand-to-hand fight, the Prize-winner of Stavropol Krai on fitness among juniors, the Winner of the Cossack games in 2012. The participant of the intra high school competitions "Young Talents", "Student's Spring", the winner in the nomination "Mr. Charm" of the intra high school competition "Mr. University - 2014". The participant of the regional conference "Spiritual and Religious Education on Bases of Orthodox Culture", the coauthor of 2 articles published in collections of scientific works.

9 лучших-февраль 2014

9 лучших-январь 2014

9 лучших-декабрь 2013

9 лучших-ноябрь 2013

9 лучших-октябрь 2013

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