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It is necessary to know rescue elements by everybody


Before summer season rescuers of Rescue service of Stavropol Krai R. R. Fakhardinov and I. A. Gorba conducted at the Stavropol State Agrarian University preventive discussion about observance of safety rules on water during the rest.

Experts emphasized that, unfortunately, not all citizens observe rules of safe behavior on water during rest, and it becomes the main reason for accidents. Rescuers told what saving means exist, and also how to make the saving equipment by own the hands from the things around. Then he demonstrated and told how is correct to tow one or two victims and how to do heart and pulmonary reanimation. They came to a meeting with students with specially trained dog of breed Border Collie Cindi Rella (Dinya). The dogs are irreplaceable at search and rescue works; they are faithful assistants at rescue of people.

Throughout all conversation specialists of Rescue service tried to inform students and consolidate thought that there are simple ways of rescue, and they need to be known. Our life depends on these elementary things.  

Дата новости для фото:  02.04.2014
Номер новости для фото:  3

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