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We bring up patriots


On April 3, 2014 in the hall of SSAU there was demonstration and discussion of the film " Babi Yar ", dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The Head of the Chair Philosophy and History N.G. Guzynin told about that film.The Chairman of Council of veterans of Stavropol and SSAU , Assistant Professor of Philosophy and History Kozachenko V..A., a veteran of World War II, Chairman of the Board of Veterans in Leninsky district of Stavropol P.I. Kurolesov , the Colonel , Professor of Philosophy history and S.V. Janusz , honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation , an Assistant Professor of Philosophy and History V.I. Kurchev , students from different faculties and courses took part in discussion of the film. All the speakers noted the importance of this event for the civic and patriotic education of students and for approval in their outlook and actions of the values ​​of tolerance and respect for different ethnic groups. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.04.2014
Номер новости для фото:  3

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