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Plenary session of section of humanitarian cycle chairs


On April 8, 2014 within the 78th regional scientific and practical conference "Agrarian Science — to North Caucasus Federal District" passed plenary session of section of chairs of the humanitarian cycle "Actual Philosophical, Methodological and Humanitarian Problems of Modern Scientific Knowledge". The Head of Philosophy and history chair the candidate of Philosophical sciences associate professor N. G. Guzynin opened it.

Reports were made by Doctor of historical sciences, Professor of Philosophy and history chair S. V. Janusz; Doctor of political sciences, Professor of Pedagogics, psychology and sociology chair Yu. G. Yefimov; teacher of foreign languages chair N. I. Golovanova. Reports were substantial and interesting. Scientific action of humanists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took place in the creative debatable atmosphere. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.04.2014
Номер новости для фото:  1

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