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Traditional Scientific and practical conference began work at Agrarian university


On April 11, 2014 the 78th Scientific and practical conference "Agrarian Science — to the North Caucasus Federal District" which annually allows to sum up the results solemnly opened and it presents to the scientists of our University results of scientific researches and their practical introduction.

On behalf of the Rector of our University, the Doctor of agricultural sciences, the Doctor of Economics, the Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, the Hero of work of Stavropol Territory, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev the participants of conference was welcomed by the acting vice- Rector for scientific and innovative work, the candidate of veterinary sciences, Associate Professor Morozov Vitaly Yuryevich. It was noted that a main objective of carrying out annual scientific and practical conference is discussion and consideration of results of the researches received for the last year. It is especially important and necessary stage of research work for graduate students, doctoral candidates, students, undergraduates and young scientists.

The guests of plenary session were Serbin Yu.V. the deputy Minister of agriculture of Stavropol Krai and Malik O. A. Head of department of professional education of the Ministry of Education and youth policy of Stavropol Krai. In the greeting Yury Valeryevich Serbin noted a huge contribution of scientists of agrarian university to development of agro-industrial complex of Stavropol Krai and South of Russia. Olga Andreevna Malik noted that our long-term effective cooperation promotes training of highly qualified specialists not only for agriculture, but also for many branches of industry. Our graduates are adapted for modern conditions and easily find themcelves on a labor market.

Important distinctive feature of our traditional conference is the various subjects of reports which covers such directions as: development energy saving and resource-saving technologies, biotechnologies and bioresources, information technologies and methods of mathematical modeling in economy and agrarian and industrial complex and many others. So, at plenary session made speech:

Shutko Anna Petrovna, the candidate of agricultural sciences, the associate professor with the report on a subject: " Phytosanitary state agrocoenosis for winter wheat on Stavropol Territory in modern conditions and way of its optimization"

Epimakhova Elena Edugartovna, the candidate of agricultural sciences, the associate professor with the report on a subject: "Improvement of an assessment and management of cultivation of young growth of a bird"

Belkina Elena Nikolaevna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, the associate professor with the report on a subject: "Assessment of food supply level in Stavropol Krai"

Agarkova Lyubov Vasilyevna, the Doctor of Economics, Professor with the report on a subject: "Monitoring of investment projects and justification of development vector of agrarian and industrial complex of Stavropol Krai"

Tsiganskyi Roman Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Biology, the associate professor with the report on a subject: "Possibility of a modern ultrasonografity in clinical veterinary practice".

The 78th Scientific and practical conference "Agrarian Science — to North Caucasus Federal District" will continue the work on subsections, guests and which active participants annually are employees of the Ministries and departments, producers of agricultural production of Stavropol Krai and region, representatives of the educational and scientific organizations of the city and the district. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.04.2014
Номер новости для фото:  1

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