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The space pilot of the USSR met students of SSAU


On April 11, 2014 on the eve of Cosmonauts’ Day students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University met the major general, the space pilot of the USSR, twice the Hero of the Soviet Union Victor Gorbatko. The meeting took place within the military patriotic action "Watch of Motherland Heroes in Stavropol".

Victor Vasilyevich told students about the first steps of the Soviet cosmonauts, about three flights in space which he made. He answered the questions:

- Victor Vasilyevich how you managed to get from pilots to the first group of cosmonauts?

- In 1957 it is absolutely unexpected, directly on yheairfield it was offered to me to pass medical commission. I passed full certification, including in KGB. All my dreams then were only about aircraft and when I was asked if I would like to fly on hundred kilometers above, at first at I didn't understand a question and smiled, I speak: "It that, on satellites? " When I was explained for what I was training, and suggested to go home, to consult with my spouse, I, of course, didn't go anywhere and without hesitation agreed. On October 3, 1959 I arrived to Moscow, and got acquainted with Yury Gagarin already on the fifth of October. Selection was very strict – from 3000 pilots of destructive aircraft only 20 people were selected, and by March, 1960 remained only 12. And here on the seventh of March, 1960 the Marshal of aircraft, the Hero of the Soviet Union, the commander-in-chief of the Air Force Vershinin declared that we are enlisted in the First group of cosmonauts. Each of us wanted to depart to space, of course, we knew, on what risk we go – but unanimously wanted to be the first.

- Is it true that you have been trained for flight on the Moon and if yes, why this expedition didn't take place?

- Yes, it so. If is more exact, we had two lunar programs. The first was such – start, flight round the Moon, then return and landing on water in the Indian Ocean. All is ready – both the ship, and crew, but then it was decided that the risk is too great moreover and the Indian Ocean - landing on water didn't practice. Throughout this program there was the second – the N1L3 program - flight with disembarkation to the Moon for which already three of us trained – Bykovsky, Hrunov and me. We had full training, I personally accumulated 500 flight hours within this program. But, unfortunately, the H1 rocket didn't depart and the program should be closed. Therefore flight to the Moon didn't take place though in a dream I and now fly. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.04.2014
Номер новости для фото:  15

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