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In SSAU district seminar "Friendship of peoples - unity of Russia" passes


In the Stavropol State Agrarian University April 15, 2014 the district seminar "Friendship of peoples - the unity of Russia ", organized by the Assembly of the Peoples in Russia, passes . In the opening of the seminar Acting Governor Vladimir Vladimirov attended .

Head of the region welcomed the participants - representatives of state authorities, local government, public associations and religious denominations from all regions of the North Caucasus Federal District . He stressed that the issue of the peoples’ unity is particularly relevant for the Stavropol Territory , where historically inhabited by more than a hundred nationalities .

- Stavropol , like any other region in its own way is the " Russia in miniature" , we feel that this unity of diversity - the main feature and strength of our country and our region. We are people, united by one goal , one idea , one dream - Russia . Together, we want the same thing – that our Motherland peacefully , confidently and successfully develops . And most importantly, that our patriotism always makes us more united , - said Vladimir Vladimirov .». The chairman of the Assembly Council of Peoples in Russia Svetlana Smirnova expressed confidence that two days of the seminar will be a major step towards the unification of efforts in implementing the North Caucasian republics of the strategy of state national policy of Russia.

The seminar was signed an agreement on cooperation between the Government of Stavropol Territory and the Assembly of Peoples in Russia.

In particular , the document envisages cooperation in the sphere of inter-ethnic and inter-religious harmony; in the task of strengthening the ethno-cultural relations and the expansion of contacts between public associations of citizens; within the framework of state programs and projects in the field of inter-ethnic harmony .

Among the specified document formats of cooperation - the parties involved in providing methodological advice and ethno-cultural associations; formation of joint programs in the field of international communication and specialized working groups.

The seminar will last two days.  

Дата новости для фото:  15.04.2014
Номер новости для фото:  15

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