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Results of Spartakiad in swimming


On April 15, 2014 in the swimming pool «Yunost» the competition was held within 58 Student Games. In 4x50 m relay the team from two boys, two girls participated . According to the results of the competition places were distributed as follows: First place went to the team of Accounting and Finance faculty; second place - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ; Third place - Faculty of Economics .

In the individual championship 50m freestyle the places were distributed as follows :


I place - George Akopov , 3rd year student of the Faculty Farm Mechanization

II - Alexander Frolov , 5th year student of the Faculty Farm Mechanization

III - Vadim Vereshchagin, 3rd year student of the Electric power Faculty,


I place - Maria Deneva , 2nd year student of the Faculty Veterinary Medicine,

II - Julia Tagaeva , 2nd year student of Accounting and Finance Faculty ,

III - Maria Camaldinova , 1st year student of the Elwctric power Faculty. 

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