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Participation in the final game of the urban intellectual club


In the North Caucasus Federal University has been finished the final game of Stavropol intellectual club "I know ! " It was organized by the Committee of Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Policy of the city , Center of Youth Initiatives " Springboard " , as well as the Center of patriotic education of youth. Team of the Stavropol State Agrarian University " Agrics " ( Andrey Ivanov , Marina Rogovtseva, Maxim Serbin , Catherine Yasakova, Vadim Pavlov, Sergey Kapuschak and Sergei Kirshanov ) successfully have passed the qualifying rounds conducted during the term and took part in the finals after the game with teams of SKFU , StGMU and TIS .

The club was established to promote the development of intellectual abilities, aesthetic education and the education of youth and creating of alternative form of entertainment. Congratulations to our students and wish them successful games! 

Дата новости для фото:  28.04.2014
Номер новости для фото:  1

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