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Meeting of the Board of Association for agronomic education


23-25 ​​April 2014 in VPO " Ryazan State University Agrotechnological " took place a meeting-of deans of faculties of Russian agricultural universities. "Main tasks of the universities in the field of training and implementation of educational programs according to the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education 3 + ."

The seminar were attended by Deputy Chairman of the Board of Association for agronomic education vice-rector for academic affairs RGAU - ICCA VE Berdyshev V.E., rector of the Ryazan GATU named by Kostychev N.V .Byshov , Deputy Director General of the Association " Agroobrazovanie " Skorokhodova NV , Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Ryazan region G.E. Nozdrin representatives production Ryazan region. Educational institutions presented deans and vice- deans , directors of institutes , heads of departments of 52 universities of the country . Representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University was dean of the Faculty of Land Resources and Agrobiology professor A.N. Esaulkov and vice-dean of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture associate Professor L.V. Maznitsyna .

The speakers were Berdyshev V. E. , deans of faculties RGAU - AK Radjabov A. K. ,Naumov V.D., and Leonov O.A. Deans have shared experience of students' practical training, module- rating . Questions about the state and public university accreditation, network forms of learning, interaction of education, science and industry were raised. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.04.2014
Номер новости для фото:  2

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