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Results of competition of a rank of the best students of Stavropol State Agrarian University "Nine Best"


The competition results of a rank of the best students of Stavropol SAU "Nine Best" in April are summed up.

"Nine Best" is a competition on identification of the best students of the faculties which have shown outstanding results in educational, research, public, cultural and mass, creative, sports life of university and beyond its limits. At an assessment of contestants we considered special progress in development of programs of higher education, progress in research activity, results of extracurricular activities.

The best students of April, 2014:

Faculty of agrobiology and land resources

TATYANA FOMENKO – the student of the 3 course, the honors student, the author of scientific articles. She is a head of the academic group, active figure of United Russia Party, member of labor union of Stavropol state agrarian university, member of the Russian union of youth. Chief assistant to the technical secretary of the selection committee. Responsible at faculty for communication with entrants on social networks when carrying out professional orientation work. One of leaders of student's group "Zabota" who is a patron of orphanage No. 12 named after Zatsepin, a children's shelter "Rosinka" in Stavropol, a children's shelter on the farm Basic, correcting school No. 14 of Konstantinovsky. The organizer and the leader of the creative and public events held at faculty, for example, "Open Day", "Homecoming", "Maslenitsa". Head of "Art Word and Oratory" studio.

Faculty of ecology and landscape architecture

OLESYA IVANOVA – the student of the 4 course, the honors student, the head of the academic group, the author of scientific articles, the active participant of reception campaign for three years. Volunteer of social and charitable group "Zabota". The organizer of creative and public actions at faculty. Winner of the intra high school competitions "Young Talents" and "Student's Spring". For outstanding progress in study, research work and public life of university it is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Faculty of veterinary medicine

EKATERINA RAKOVSKAYA – the student of the 4 course, the honors student, the head of group, the chairman of the teaching and educational commission of faculty of veterinary medicine. Owner of a nominal grant of 2012-2013. Stavropol regional branch of JSC "Rosselkhozbank". The scholar of the governor of Stavropol Krai in 2012–2013 academic year. Within participation in scientific summer school of Kuban SAU "AgroTech - 2013" "Agriculture, biotechnologies and management" I won first place in project creation on the subject "Development of Recommendations about Increase in Dairy Efficiency due to Increase of Safety of Young Growth" (on the example of JSC Plemzavod za Mir i Trud). Is one of leaders of a student's asset of faculty, the organizer of cultural and mass and sporting events, scientific conferences at faculty, at university. She takes active part in interuniversity actions. The participant of the student's dancing collective "Street Dance" which has taken 1 place in the competition "Student's Spring SSAU". For outstanding progress in study, research work and public life of university it she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Faculty of technological management

VLADISLAVA KOTOVA – the student of the 2 course, the honors student, the head of group and a course, the secretary of the teaching and educational commission of faculty, the commander of volunteer group "VLADA", the finalist of the All-Russian selection round of volunteers tutors, popular writers of a healthy lifestyle. Under its management sports, ecological and charitable events are held: "The small Olympic Games", "Green spring – 2014", "Clean Thursday" in Children's home. She takes active part in research activity. For participation in the city exhibition competition "Innovations of Year — 2013" she is awarded by the diploma. Author of scientific articles. For outstanding progress in study, research work and public life of university she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University"

Faculty of social-culture service and tourism

MARIA PRILIPKO – the student of the 3 course, the honors student, the volunteer, the organizer of cultural events of faculty, the correspondent of the Student AU program. The author of scientific articles, the active participant of the international scientific and practical conferences in the field of the tourist's industry, repeatedly took part in the Olympic Games in English. The owner of a grant on training in Germany for 6 months according to the Erasmus Mundus program, she is awarded by the diploma of the III degree for active participation in the II International scientific and practical conference "A sustainable development of the tourist market: International practice and experience of Russia".

Accounting and finance faculty

MIKHAIL LESHEV – the student of the 3 course, the excellent student. The winner of the All-Russian scholarship program "Price Waterhouse Coopers", the winner of the I round of the Federal scholarship program of V. Potanin in 2012–2013 academic year. Prize-winner of the XIII All-Russian Olympic Games of development of a national economy of Russia. Has a medal of the Youth union of economists and financiers. Participant of the All-Russian business game "Iron Businessman" and All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Regions of Russia: analysis of problems, development tendencies". Author of scientific articles. The active organizer of various cultural events at faculty, at university and the city.

Faculty of economy

TATYANA SAZANTSEVA – the student of the 4 course, the deputy student's dean on educational work of economics department, the deputy of a trade-union bureau of faculty, the member of leaders' group "Mechta", the chairman of "The organizational commission", the labor union organizer of 4 course. For two years she is a member of a selection committee on an internal set in university. She participates in charitable events in orphanage "Friendship" (Stavropol). She is the winner of the intra high school competitions "Young Talents" and "Student's Spring". The participant of the concerts devoted to the International Women's Day, New year. For outstanding achievements in study, research work and public life of university she is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Faculty of mechanization of agriculture

ALEXANDER SPIROCHKIN – the student of the 5 course, the excellent student. Nominal scholar of the governor of Stavropol Krai. Participant of scientific and practical conferences. The owner of a gold medal for development of the pneumatic sowing device for seeding the arable cultures with the speed-regulator (The X Moscow international salon of innovations and investments). Within the Russian agro-industrial week "Gold autumn" the arable cultures with the speed-regulator he is awarded by a silver medal for development of the pneumatic sowing device for seeding. The author of scientific articles in the field of modernization of sowing devices. The owner of a grant on professional development in Zürn GmbH & Co firm. KG Kapellenstraße 1, 74214 Schöntal-Westernhausen. Participant of the exhibitions "Agrouniversal — 2013", "Agrouniversal 2014", "Day of a Crop — 2013". For outstanding achievements in study, research work and public life of university he is awarded by the medal "Glory and Pride of University".

Electrical power faculty

DMITRY TARANUKHA – the student of the 3 course, the excellent student, the member of scientific community of faculty. The owner of a nominal grant of the Government of the Russian Federation in the directions of preparation corresponding to the priority directions to modernization and technological development of the Russian economy, the winner of the UMNIK program of Stavropol Krai (2014), the participant of competition of youth projects of the North Caucasian youth forum "Mashuk – 2013". Winner of regional competition of socially oriented projects of youth of Stavropol Krai "Your initiative", participant of the international scientific and practical conferences and exhibitions. Winner of a regional stage II of the intellectual game "The Beginning Farmer". The author and the coauthor of the scientific articles published in collections of scientific works.

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