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Young researchers of Technological Management Faculty


At the Faculty of Technological Management it was held the 78th Student Scientific and Practical Conference «Young farmers of Stavropolye. »

The students presented their reports in the discussion. It was attended by Professor Viktor Gouzenko , Professor Vasily MILOSHENKO , Associate Professor Evgeny Rastovarov . The diploma of 1-st degree was given to the student of 6 year of study at correspondence courses Oksana Dzizenko ( "Technology of production pollen and bee bread "). The jury also noted as the best the report of the 5-th year student Anna Putrina ( "Development of technologies dessert products using sweetener " Stevia - VIT " ) , 4th year students Anastasia Kalashnikova ( " Biology and feeding fur animals ") and Helena Telegina (" Features of management of minks in hot climate . ") 

Дата новости для фото:  05.05.2014
Номер новости для фото:  1

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