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Congratulation of the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University on Victory Day

Congratulation of the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University on Victory Day

From all my heart I congratulate you on a valor and glory holiday – the Victory Day!

May 9-th marks for all of us humanity and self-sacrifice celebration for the sake of eternal values of the world, freedom, justice. Our people defended these general ideals in battles of the Great Patriotic War and carried by in decades.

However much time passed, generations replaced, this holiday was and remains main, expensive and close for each of us.It is pleasure of release and grief of loss of relatives, love for the country and gratitude to the veterans who have shown unprecedented courage and heroism, defended independence and freedom of our Motherland!

I wish you good health, wellbeing, happiness and all the kindest! Let over our heads always there will be a peaceful sky!

Rector of the Stavropol State
Agrarian University,
Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Professor,
Deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai                                                                                                                            V.I.Trukhachev  

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