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Festival " Student Spring of Stavropolye " : only victories!


On May 12, 2014 in the concert hall " Stavropol " there was a gala concert of the festival " Student Spring of Stavropolya." On the stage among 35 groups from all over the Stavropol Territory, there were eight from Agrarian University. All of them became winners of the festival. 20 performances were prepared by students of SSAU were awarded by diplomas of competition. However, the main win of this year's competition - the Grand Prix in the category "Singing " won a 5th year student of the Faculty of Agriculture Mechanization Andrei Saveliev . On May 13 he, a student of Technological Management Faculty Sevastianova Svetlana , a student of Agrobiology and Land Resources Faculty Yervand Yenokyan and dance group " Stylish things " went in Togliatti, to represent our town at a National stage of the competition "Students’ Spring" . 

Дата новости для фото:  13.05.2014
Номер новости для фото:  2

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