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We defined the winner of intra high school league of KVN


On 12 May, 2014 the final of intra high school league of KVN of SSAU took place. The final was reached by four teams according to the decision of jury: the team of four faculties (representatives of faculty of technological management, faculty of veterinary medicine, electrical power faculty, faculty of mechanization of agriculture entered it), the team of faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscaping, the team of registration and financial faculty, the team of the faculty of economics and faculty of welfare service and tourism. Game took place in three stages: greeting, video competition and musical homework.

Eminent KVN players of agrarian university and Stavropol Territory estimated our students: Murat Erkenov - the champion of the Highest league of KVN in KVN team "City of Pyatigorsk", Sergey Zubenko - the ancestor of KVN in STGAU, Vitaly Afanasyev - one of captains of KVN "the 45th parallel", Alexander Shakhnazaryan - the participant of the First league of KVN in KVN team "Ivan da Maga" (the team of North Caucasus federal district) and the partner of league - the director of a network of SUBWAY restaurants Roman Vorozhko. Also on the final there was one more partner of league − the Megafon company which gave valuable presents to Champions of league and the best actor.

By results of the final the champion of intra high school league of KVN of SSAU 2013-2014 became the team of the faculty of economics department and faculty of welfare service and the tourism, the second place was taken by the team of faculties of agrobiology and land resources and ecology and landscaping, the team of four faculties became the third. The captain of the team of the faculty of economics department and faculty of welfare service and the tourism Pavel Li became the best actor of a season. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.05.2014
Номер новости для фото:  3

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