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Diary of School of leaders: third day


The third day of School of leaders of SSAU: we continued master classes, intellectual games, summed up the results and awarded youth leaders. 

Youth leaders of XXI school became a student of Agrobiology and land resources Marat Bazarov, students of Economy faculty  Denis Shulenin Anton Brykalov , Moussa Bayramkulov students of Financial accounting faculty Ekaterina Drozdova, Robert Yuzbekov Dmitry Evdokimov, students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Sophia Beketova Vasily Komarov, students of the Faculty of electricity Vadim Shpak, Gurkovsky Alexander, a student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Ksenia Malyutina. 

Guys could not fail to note the best counselors of XXI School of leaders. They are: a student of the Faculty of Agriculture Mechanization Alexander Babkin, student of Ecology and landscape architecture Svetlana Ozeryanskaya. And the best organizers are students of the Faculty of Economics Tatiana Sazantseva and David Verdiyan.

The first time in school history were marked asset students by special categories. So the best actor was a student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Arevik Markosian, the best dancer - a student of the Faculty of Economics Galina Filippova, the most musical student – Dmitry Sobolev The Faculty of electrification. And here is the good-natured student studying at the Faculty of ecology and landscape architecture Igor Shevchenko. A student of the  Faculty of economics Konyzhova Alexandera was recognized as the most intelligent. 

For assistance in implementing the ideas student activists, youth leaders thanked the deans of all faculties, because they are the people who are always there and understand the desire of youth. 

"School of leaders provides another opportunity for the already established leaders to express themselves, their talents, make new friends and, of course, to acquire new knowledge. Therefore, the "youth leader of SSAU " - one of the favorite activities of our students, in which they are always happy to participate " - summed up the event chairman of the trade union committee of the university student Nikolai Golovin.

Дата новости для фото:  17.05.2014 00:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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