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Everything starts with the family


Students of Agrobiology and Land Resources Faculty, Socio- Cultural Services and Tourism, Economic and lecturersof Department of Philosophy and History professors V.I. Curci , I. N. Kravchenko , Senior Lecturer E.V. Tufanov took part in the conference "Healthy Child - Healthy country " ( exhibition complex " Stavropol " ) . It was within a First family festival " Fireside " in order to promote family values, improving the family, enhancing the role of the family , as well as dissemination of good practices family traditions. The main organizer was South guild of bakers, confectioners, the hospitality industry.

At the conference there were psychologists, doctors, teachers and other professionals. They talked about family problems, meaning young family in modern conditions, healthy eating. Further, the organizers gave a master class "Simply and Delicious " In conclusion, the students visited the exhibition of handicrafts. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.05.2014
Номер новости для фото:  1

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